How to Deal with Failures?

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Most of the populace love to make plans and they are devoted to their schedules. Some are fanatic that they need to be strict on following their plans at their workplace, with their loves ones, especially, with their kids (yikes!), and of course, to themselves. There is really nothing wrong of sticking to the plans. For plans motivate people to pursue and achieve their target whether it's a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly goals.

In reality, our plans sometimes get interrupted with unexpected things in life. Sometimes our plans seems so hard to reach for whatever reasons. At this point, we may think that our plans are nothing but pointless. However, we should "take courage, and do not be afraid (Holy Bible, Matthew 14:27)."

When you watch the video of my Precious One (Please click the video after this paragraph). We made a plan on how she will do her drawing project about "Chanticleer and the Fox" by Mary Osborne. We beautifully planned her project. At the end, not all plans came true. For we both asked ourselves questions such as which character that needed to be on the picture? What do we really want to convey about the drawing? We raised questions and we came up with a better plan.

The main point of planning is to give us motivation as human to live with a purpose. However, when all our plans started to slip away or they seems to be far fetch, we tend to be fearful of the possible negative outcome. Some become anxious that leads to distraction. When these things are about to swallow our thinking. Let us stop and take a deep breath. Remember to be "still and know that we have God (Holy Bible, Psalm 46:10). It is important to hold on to what Jesus Christ said to his disciples that we should "NOT be troubled, but to TRUST in Him at all times (Holy Bible, Matthew 14:27 & Proverbs 3:5-6)." Let us remember to "pray without ceasing" for the days are evil (Holy Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Dealing with Failures in not an easy task. There's no Hokus Pokus, but we have our Living God who is always ready to Listen and make Miracles in our lives. Our focus should be to our Jesus Christ, who is "the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)."

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